So you want to be a coach?

Being a coach, stepping into my power and living through purpose has been hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made.

We were all born to experience life, to live out our journeys, the highs and the lows and the beauty of that is that we are then perfectly equipped to reach back and guide others about to embark on the same journeys. 

When I coach, I coach from a combination of my heart, my experiences and my qualifications as an Accredited Life Coach and NLP Practitioner to help women walking a similar journey to me, to free themselves from limiting beliefs and see that life is working FOR them. It's a beautiful process and one that I am so grateful to be a part of. 

Quite often I'm asked by aspiring coaches how to do it. I'm asked by women and men who want to use their experiences to help others, to guide others with ease through processes they perhaps went through the hard, upside down, more-painful-than-it-needed-to-be way .... and to those of...

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The Aeroplane Analogy

Uncategorized Nov 18, 2021

I use this with my one to one clients and it is SO powerful!

Imagine you are an aeroplane. That aeroplane is taking off, it's elevating, levelling up, it's climbing higher and higher and higher. Then, it's cruising, it's just gliding, everything's going smoothly.

Sometimes it hits a bit of turbulence gets a little bit rocky. And then there are other times where it nosedives. 

It's going down, things aren't going well.

I don't know if this happens in real life, but in the movies, they will say "We need to lose some of the weight! Dump the emergency fuel, throw off the luggage!" in order to keep that plane gliding safely. 

Imagine that you are that plane. 

What weight can you just stop carrying?

What worries, or stresses or overwhelm can you let go of?

Use that as an affirmation. What weight am I carrying that I don't need to anymore?

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Stepping Into Your Power

Uncategorized Nov 18, 2021

Let's talk fear over stepping into our power.

So often we dim our light, hiding in the shadows because we fear what others will think about our bravery, our bold nature intended by the universe for us to embody.

Well let me tell you ... how others respond to you stepping into your power, speaking your truth and shining your light is NOT your problem … it’s theirs!

If someone feels personally triggered by you living your life, I’m not talking you putting them or others at harm, but simply by you stepping into your authenticity, it’s because you’ve revealed as aspect of their reality that feels uncomfortable to them, out of alignment.

Our external world is a reflection of our internal world so you speaking your truth will do one of the following:

Empower someone who is open and ready to speak theirs

Put smiles on the faces of those who have fought their own battles to speak theirs

Cause indifference to those who have neither needed nor desired...

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The Art of Mirror Work

Uncategorized Nov 18, 2021

Imagine if mirrors saw nothing but souls … self love would be a whole new vibe!

Use your mirror for what it’s intended to be for - reflection! What’s triggering you? What story are you telling? What beliefs do you have? Then work with these, whatever your thoughts are, they’re okay, because they’re a huge signpost to what you need to heal, where self love needs to pour in and what new story you can create.

Mirror work is honestly one of the most powerful tools for self love, to affirm what you love and to embrace what you don’t by giving new perspective and a new story, for example:

‘I don’t love my nose but it enables me to evoke that deep feeling of joy I get when I smell my essential oil that reminds me of the best massage of my life’

‘I’m so critical of the size of my legs but they help me to run with my children, boost my serotonin levels through exercise and feel the cool side of the quilt on hot...

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