So you want to be a coach?

Being a coach, stepping into my power and living through purpose has been hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made.

We were all born to experience life, to live out our journeys, the highs and the lows and the beauty of that is that we are then perfectly equipped to reach back and guide others about to embark on the same journeys. 

When I coach, I coach from a combination of my heart, my experiences and my qualifications as an Accredited Life Coach and NLP Practitioner to help women walking a similar journey to me, to free themselves from limiting beliefs and see that life is working FOR them. It's a beautiful process and one that I am so grateful to be a part of. 

Quite often I'm asked by aspiring coaches how to do it. I'm asked by women and men who want to use their experiences to help others, to guide others with ease through processes they perhaps went through the hard, upside down, more-painful-than-it-needed-to-be way .... and to those of you who want to be the guiders, the leaders, the coaches - I f**king salute you because you are light workers (although it's heavy at times) and you're going to make the biggest impact on others lives!

So when it comes to being a coach everyones journey is different. With an array of coaching niches and qualifications out there it can be tough to know where to start but if you are being called to coach, to make an impact on others lives, trust that you will find the right path ... and I'm here to offer some guidance.

I will give you my experience and break it down into short faq's to help you to make your decision and go about your journey in the most aligned way possible:

Do I need a qualification to become a coach?

In short - no. You do not need a qualification to become a coach, however I would HIGHLY recommend getting one. Experience is a huge part of coaching, no one can help someone to do the things you've done like you can and your experience alone is incredibly valuable, however, as a coach you need to be able to step out of your experience and know that everyones journeys are unique. This is where having tools and processes to combine with your experience and knowledge makes for the perfect coaching recipe!

In terms of finding the right person/ company to train with, you may choose to train from someone in a specific niche, holistic or business coaching for example or you may choose to gain a general Life Coach Accreditation Qualification that you can then combine with your experience and knowledge to apply to your niche. 

I personally went with a general Life Coaching Accreditation as to be honest I wasn't 100% sure if I even wanted to become a coach in the beginning, I simply wanted to learn about the coaching industry and develop new skills to implement into my own healing journey.

When it comes to picking the right person or company for you, take your time to do some research, do you know what our niche is yet? What values do you want to hold as a coach? Do the companies you're looking at embody those values too? Look at the curriculum, the qualifications of the coaches and their experiences, how do they carry themselves?

There are so many out there varying from £9.99 to £5000 so you want to be sure where you're putting your time and money. 

I personally trained through TCM and would highly recommend them, here is a short video on what they offer which gives you a really great overview


Should I niche down as a coach? and how do I find my niche?

This is a question that raises some voices in the coaching industry but honestly there are pros and cons to niching down and not.

When niching down you're able to have a clear ideal client, a defined 'I help' statement and a pretty much repeatable process that you'll become a master at.

Not niching down has it's advantages too though, you're able to help a wider audience of people and you can gain experience in different areas forever expanding your comfort zone.

The most important thing to note though is to make the decision that feels right, don't decide out of fear, fear of missing out on clients if you niche down too much or fear or being overwhelmed and underprepared if you don't niche - you'll be perfectly aligned for whichever you're called for.


How do I find my ideal clients?

Okay in order to find them, you need to know who they are. The best way to do this is by thinking about your experiences, what have you been through that you have learnt from and can share that wisdom from? What  do people often come to you for advice with? What do you wish you had advice for when you were on your most poignant journey? When you see yourself helping people - who do you visualise? 

Create an avatar of your ideal client by writing their gender, age group, location, likes, dislikes, mindset, beliefs, habits, struggles etc


Once you've done this create your content with your ideal client in mind - your content should speak directly to them

What coaching services should I offer, How do I create my services and Where do I host them?

There are so many ways that you can coach clients including but not limited to 1:1 sessions, group coaching, masterminds, retreats, memberships, courses and via products like workbooks and ebooks.

You could do these live and in person, live online or via pre-recorded and created content.

In terms of where to host your online content I personally use Zoom and a private Facebook group for lives and then Kajabi for the rest! Kajabi enables me to do my course creation, post replays, sell products, host my website and blog, do my email marketing, SEO, take payments, manage subscriptions and so much more all in one place! It is honestly a must have for coaches and I would highly recommend it!


If you'd like to know any more about becoming a coach, please do send me an email at [email protected] or reach out on Instagram


Love and light,

Jess x


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