I use this with my one to one clients and it is SO powerful!
Imagine you are an aeroplane. That aeroplane is taking off, it's elevating, levelling up, it's climbing higher and higher and higher. Then, it's cruising, it's just gliding, everything's going smoothly.
Sometimes it hits a bit of turbulence gets a little bit rocky. And then there are other times where it nosedives.
It's going down, things aren't going well.
I don't know if this happens in real life, but in the movies, they will say "We need to lose some of the weight! Dump the emergency fuel, throw off the luggage!" in order to keep that plane gliding safely.
Imagine that you are that plane.
What weight can you just stop carrying?
What worries, or stresses or overwhelm can you let go of?
Use that as an affirmation. What weight am I carrying that I don't need to anymore?
50% Complete
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