
For the woman ready to dive deeper in her healing journey, to elevate to the next level with mindset tools, powerful reality shifts and accountability to the max!

Imagine how life would transform if you:


 ✨ Had a tribe of likeminded, supportive women all cheering you on and keeping you accountable ✨

✨ Had instant access to libraries full of exclusive, expert content from some of the most inspirational human beings in the self development world ✨

✨ Had a mental health toolkit full of the tools and techniques needed to build and maintain emotional resilience, an attitude of gratitude and an ability to release what doesn't serve you, call in what you desire and live in authenticity ✨

✨ Truly believed in how worthy, capable and enough you really are ✨

✨ Lived in your badass, empowered mindset every day ✨

You know you want more, right?

Maybe you have huge goals you want to work towards, or perhaps it's deep pain that you're ready to close the door on...

Either way there's one problem...

You don't know how to do it, and you feel stuck...right?


If you...

💕 Know that something needs to change but you just can't figure out what it is 💕

💕 Know what your goals are but have no clue where to start with achieving them 💕

💕 Have that itchy skin feeling, like something is telling you it is time to LEVEL up! 💕

💕 Feel totally overwhelmed by this self development world and have no clue what to try next 💕

💕 Find that you start implementing new habits and seeing changes but then 'Life gets in the way' 💕

💕 Feel lonely even amongst friends and yearn for that tribe of women who just 'GET it' 💕

💕 Desire accountability on your journey and a sounding board for your progress and ideas 💕

... you’re in the right place! 

Nourish is the online community every woman ready to LEVEL UP needs to be a part of. It is a healing hub, a place to connect with likeminded humans, to learn tools and techniques to add to your mental health toolkit and to be inspired by some of the most incredible experts in the self development world. 

This is your place to heal from within to reveal your inner, most badass empowered self!


ÂŁ37 per month

Everything included in The Journal Club PLUS:

  • Live Special Guest Sessions
  • Live Mindset Masterclasses
  • Live Group Coaching Calls - your opportunity to be coached by NLP Practitioner and Life Coach Jess Avey
  • End of Month Accountability/ Check-In Calls
  • Ever-growing library of all past Special Guest Sessions, Mindset Masterclasses and Group Coaching Calls
  • Audio Library of Guided Visualisation & Meditations
  • Downloadable and Printable Tools
  • Nourish Members Facebook Community
  • Whatsapp Accountability Group 
Join Now

The two common problems I faced when starting out on my healing journey were not knowing where to start in the minefield of the self development industry; and starting a habit that worked for me but then finding that 'life got in the way'. 

That is why I created Nourish - to provide those on the same journey as myself with the tools, techniques, resources and recommendations that took me years of trial and error to find; and to have a safe space of likeminded humans to keep each other accountable, cheer each other on and share this incredible journey with!  

-Jessica Avey

The Journal Coach 

Here's what some of our members have to say ...

"Wow! Just done this for the first time and it's incredible! It made me cry! It's made me focused and understand what I need to focus on. So glad that you're here Jess and have done this membership and brought this into my life. Thank you"


"I just love the live stuff, it keeps me accountable and gives me something to look forward to"

"I couldn’t make last nights master class so I have just caught up and thank goodness I wasn’t live on zoom as I cried like a baby for about 20 mins after. It may sound dramatic however it was the most powerful thing I have ever felt in my life. I can’t thank you enough for arranging it and thank you so much to Tijen. I really was the most amazing experience!"

"I just wanted to thank you. You have helped me so much in these last few weeks and now I'm feeling where I am supposed to be. Honestly you wouldn't believe it. I am now this person because of YOU and YOUR help. Thank you Jess"

If you'd like to start with just journaling, why not jump straight into the Journal Club?

✨ Weekly Live Journal Sessions
✨ Daily Journal Prompts sent straight to your phone
✨ Access to a community of likeminded, empowered women
✨Library of Journal Prompt Workbooks

ÂŁ7 per month

Join The Journal Club